Sitka Seafood - 2014

Sitka is ranked #14 fishing port in the U.S. by weight and the #11 port by value, with landings of 89 million pounds of seafood worth $71.3 million.  

Most of the favorite edible seafood species found in Alaska, can be harvested in Sitka waters; including ling cod, shrimp, scallops, and several varieties of crab. However, the commercial seafood industry in Sitka is focused mainly on salmon, herring, halibut, and sable fish (black cod), with smaller shellfish harvests.

Both commercial and sport fisheries play a big role in Sitka's economy. Of the local population, aged sixteen and over, 19 percent is directly involved in some aspect of the seafood industry and virtually every business and resident in the community benefits from the economic activity generated by the seafood industry through purchase of a variety of goods and services. There is opportunity for development of additional business and infrastructure to support Sitka's commercial fishing fleet with marine services and potential for development of a fish waste processing plant.

Sitka has plenty of fish waste that could be an opportunity for the right entrepreneur.  Two of our three local seafood processors are currently grinding and disposing their fish waste in the ocean.  This fish waste has the potential to be made into a variety of marketable products including: fish meal, fertilizer, fish oil capsules and cosmetics. 

Sitka's Commercial Seafood Industry - Economic Impact (2015)


  • Resident commercial fishing permit holders (active) = 566

  • Total permits issued = 1,055

  • Permit holders who fished = 446

  • Permits fished = 718

  • Commercial fishing vessels home ported in Sitka = 669

  • Total Pounds Landed = 36,501,268

  • Estimated Gross Earnings = $38,346,917

PROCESSING - Shore side 

  • Wholesale value of seafood processed in Sitka = $48,019,694

  • Net weight pounds processed in Sitka = 85,591,436 ADF&G Commercial Fisheries

  • Raw fish tax (support City harbors) = $1,009,033

  • Seafood Processing Jobs = 1,102

To serve the commercial fishing fleet and other vessel owners, Sitka has marine industry support businesses including: boat builders and shipwrights, marine electronics, general marine repair, welding and fabrication, fishing gear sales, heating and refrigeration, industrial sewing, painting, fiberglass repair, parts and equipment sales, and marine safety equipment and training. CLICK HERE to view the Sitka Marine Industries Directory website. More marine service businesses are needed to serve our local vessel owners and keep money circulating in our local economy and with the new multi-service dock at the Gary Paxton Industrial Park, now is a great time for Sitka. Contact SEDA to discuss your business plan.  

VISIT the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute website to learn more about the value of Alaska's wild seafood.

The Sitka Seafood Festival is held the first weekend of August. Visit Sitka has information about the Seafood Festival CLICK HERE to learn more about this uniquely Sitka event.